The association Technology Platform Photovoltaics Austria was founded in 2008 as a joint initiative of Austrian photovoltaic manufacturing companies and the relevant Austrian research institutions. Innovation and research for the domestic photovoltaic industry are to be significantly strengthened in order to achieve an increase in Austria's share of the global photovoltaic market and to position Austria as a strong partner in the reconstruction of a European solar industry.


The Austrian Photovoltaics Technology Platform is the representative body serving Austrian research into photovoltaics and supports innovative manufacturers in the photovoltaics industry.


Initiative for increased photovoltaic research

With a new folder, the Austrian Technology Platform would like to draw attention to the opportunities that increased Austrian PV research has for Austria as an industrial location and thus for highly qualified jobs in a technology of the future.

Board of Directors

Dipl. Ing. Fechner Hubert, MSc., MAS
Dipl. Ing. Fechner Hubert, MSc., MASChairman
Vice Chair of IEA Photovoltaic power Systems Programme

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Dr. Peter Winkelmayer
Dr. Peter WinkelmayerTreasurer
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Tel.: +43 67643 14 607
Dr. Gabriele Eder
Dr. Gabriele EderSecretary of the Board
OFI – Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology

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Rosa Pajkanović, BSc
Rosa Pajkanović, BScProject manager

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Tel.: +436766049757

DI Lukas Plessing
DI Lukas PlessingProject manager

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Tel.: +43 681 20892 144